Funcosil Silicone Paint is a pigmented silicone resin emulsion paint for use on new and old residential, industrial and commercial properties. It is particularly suited for use on historic structures because of its microporous, mineral-like characteristics.
Can be applied to most building materials and finishes including natural stone.
6400 - Siliconharzfarbe LA � high quality �true� silicone resin paint � highly water repelling � excellent water vapour permeability � for opaque and scumble coatings � with a film preservative for surfaces infested with alga and fungi � good hiding power and resistance � highly weather resistant
6471 - Historic Schlämmlasur � high quality �true� silicone resin paint � semi-scumble formulation � with fine sandy fillers � highly water repelling � for individual decoration to make facades more �alive� � highly weather resistant
6476 - Historic Lasur � high quality �true� silicone resin paint � semi-scumble formulation � with fine sandy fillers � highly water repelling � excellent water vapour permeability � for opaque and scumble coatings � for individual decoration to make facades more �alive� � highly weather resistant